Praise TV Wins Best Gospel TV Station In Africa At AGAFEST 2019

post by: FrvrKay for
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Ghana’s premier Christian channel, Praise TV, has been adjudged the best gospel television station in Africa. This was at the Africa Gospel Music Festival (AGAFEST) held at the Action Dome in Accra. Management of the television station in a statement acknowledged its viewers for their massive support.

The Christian TV channel launched in 2015 is Ghana’s most-watched faith-based TV channel. It is administered by a young and focused team who seek to change the narrative of faith-based broadcasting in Ghana and provides viewers with an important window into Christian infotainment, establishing itself as a provider of quality programming related to education, lifestyle, and culture.

Praise TV also has an unmatched tradition for airing the very best in faith and family-friendly content for every age group and is also a leader in using cutting-edge technology to reach more viewers around the world with programming that entertains, inspires, and changes live through God’s message of hope and grace.

post credit: GhBase•com™.