Hilarious: Chinese Company Selling Ghanaian Dancing Pallbearer Figurines for $50 A Set | Photos

post by: Atta-Mafu Joshua for thedistin.com.
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A Chinese Company name JMG 1/64 Miniatures in Hong Kong has come up with an interesting model called “Black Coffin Model” depicting Ghanaian Dancing Pallbearers.

The Ghanaian Dancing Pallbearers have gained international recognition amid Coronavirus pandemic as lots of people used their dancing videos during the funeral to create hilarious memes on social media.

Their fine choreography and costume during funerals attracted an interview from BBC as well.

Well, this time, a Chinese Company has decided to design Figurines of these Ghanaian Dancing Pallbearers selling them out for $50 a set.

According to the company, JMG 1/64 Miniatures, this new model is called the “Black Coffin Model” and there are two styles; one is a group of 7 people holding the coffin, one is a group of 5 people kneeling and crawling.

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