Sista Afia & Dede Supa Angrily Dirty Themselves On Instagram | Screenshot

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Ghanaian female singer Sista Afia and Dede Supa diss each other on Instagram

According to Sista Afia, Dede was granted an interview were she spoke ill of her and fro the look of things she might have called her a slay queen

You go on interviews to talk bad about me when you don’t even know me. Now every upcoming musician wants to attack me to build their career smh. Girl you ain’t worth my attention be careful and focus on your music because surviving in this music industry is tougher than you think

she wrote on twitter

Just a few minutes after Dede saw this tweet, she immediate the responded to her showing she ain’t scared of her regardless of the fact that she is up and coming

Dede Supa also in response posted on Instagram saying, “Be direct and bold whenever you get the nerve to address me. Or are you simply scared to mention my name? Enough with this upcomer crap! You call your girls slay nation so that makes you what? And why are you offended cos honestly I don’t see nothing wrong being a slay queen. I am simply not one! @sista.afia.”⁠

she wrote