‘John Mahama Can’t Be A President Again, God Is Calling Him To Be A Great Prophet’ – Prophet Emmanuel Acheampong | Video

post by: Dwomoh Darlingberg for thedistin.com.
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A man of God identified as Prophet Emmanuel Acheampong of Emmanuel Power Ministry, a Kumasi based church has prophesied that God is calling former president and NDC presidential candidate, John Dramani Mahama to do his work as a prophet.

Former President and NDC flag bearer John Dramani Mahama will never be president of Ghana again a Ghanaian prophet has said in a new video.

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Mahama has been appointed by God to be an important and a great prophet, not a president, according to the Prophet Emmanuel Acheampong.

The general overseer of Emmanuel Power Ministry in the video sighted said; “Let the NDC hear this, John Mahama can never be president but he’s a great prophet of God”.

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The man of God made these comments whiles speaking on TV.

Watch the video below: